The World Food Programme (WFP) Office of Evaluation and the United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC) are pleased to announce the launch of a micro-credentialing scheme in evaluation for WFP staff.
The scheme is part of an ongoing partnership aiming to enhance the overall credibility and capability of the WFP evaluation function. It provides a flexible and targeted approach to enhance evaluation management capabilities, as well as a framework for recognizing acquired learning and skills.
Micro-credentials certify learning outcomes in a narrow field of learning of short-term learning experiences. Micro-credentials allow learners with different backgrounds and levels of experiences to build a flexible learning path. They include assessment based on clearly defined standards.
“We are excited to co-create this new micro credentialing initiative with the WFP Evaluation Office. The modular nature of micro-credentials encourages a culture of lifelong learning, particularly interesting in areas with a commonly accepted competency framework, as is the case of evaluation” said Itziar Arispe, Evaluation Learning Specialist at UNSSC.
Indeed, the micro credentials, are fully aligned with the United Nations Evaluation Group’s Evaluation Competency Framework and are grounded in good practices and existing research on adult learning, including a combination of theoretical and applied modalities, specifically, a course component, on-the-job experience and mentoring sessions.
“The scheme has been designed to provide a flexible and targeted approach to address specific areas. The micro credentials provide a framework of professional recognition for members of the WFP evaluation cadre, who have successfully demonstrated achievements in the learning outcomes from a specific micro-credential,” said Anne-Claire Luzot, Director of Evaluation at WFP.
A total of four micro credentials will be issued as part of the pilot phase: Theories of Change, Theory-based Approaches, Evaluability Assessment; and Evaluation Planning and Design. Prospective participants will need to commit to 25-30 hours of effort to attain a micro-credential within a six-month timeframe.
Each micro credential has been designed to ensure targeted, verified, and flexible learning pathways empowering participants to acquire specific skills and knowledge in rapidly changing areas, enhancing their career prospects and adaptability.
Some micro-credentials may require ‘pre-requisite’ knowledge, that could be acquired by taking other micro-credentials where applicable or prior courses and experience. A digital badge will be issued to learners who have passed the assessment. The badge contains meta-data on the micro-credential content and is in line with Open Badge standards so that learners can share or display their digital badges online, and third party ‘verifiers’ can verify the badge.
Stay tuned for updates of this exciting venture! .Micro-credential scheme on evaluation for WFP | UNSSC | United Nations System Staff College