In our era of digital transformation, data has become a key capability for organizations that want to gain an edge through evidence-based decision-making. By leveraging data, we can identify trends, uncover patterns, and gain actionable insights that inform policies and interventions.

In April 2020, the United Nations took a significant step in launching the UN Secretary General’s Data Strategy, further reaffirming the growing relevance of data analysis as a core skill that UN personnel need to achieve sustainable development.

“In the past, some of us regarded data as an isolated concern for specialists in IT or statistics. Today, we all recognize the power of data. Purposes that involve data and analytics permeate virtually all aspects of our work in development, peace and security, humanitarian, and human rights,” wrote Secretary-General António Guterres.

In response to the strategy, UNSSC designed a comprehensive six-month learning opportunity that ensures all participants, upon completion of their programme, can confidently  analyse, report, and communicate data effectively. The UN Data Analytics Professional Certificate is a blended programme designed to prepare people to unleash their data potential through a comprehensive and interactive overview of core data science concepts ranging from descriptive to predictive analytics. It is geared for those in research, analytics and reporting, as well as for those who wish to expand their knowledge and ability to access, use, interpret and communicate data.

Spring Semester: equipping 52 UN agency personnel with Data Analysis Skills

In April 2023, the Spring edition officially commenced with a cohort from over 19 countries and 23 duty stations around the world. The participants began with a three-month self-paced learning period, where they were equipped with essential skills for data collection, data cleaning, comprehensive data exploration, and analysis in extracting valuable insights.

The instructors then shifted to addressing cognitive bias and logical fallacies emphasizing the importance of avoiding misinterpretation based on personal biases. Eventually the sessions delved into data visualization and storytelling, learning design principles and tools for effective communication of data-driven insights. The participants are currently undergoing predictive modeling sessions while working on their on-the-job assignments and case studies using their newly learnt skills in a real-world scenario under expert guidance.

Explore the Fall Semester in our Open House Webinar

As this semester draws to a close, UNSSC is thrilled to witness the transformative impact of our tailored UN curriculum within the UN system. The UN Secretary General's Data Strategy recognizes the pivotal role of people and culture in driving the data-driven transformation of UN entities:

“While better abilities will in part emerge through “learning by doing”, we will need to support change with enablers: Empowered people and culture, cross-cutting data governance and strategy support, sustained partnerships, and user-focused technology. Critically, this will mean fostering a data-savvy culture that invests in the skills of all colleagues and attracts new talent. None of these shifts will happen overnight. Our roadmap is designed for the long term.”

We will be running an open house webinar for anyone who wishes to explore our next edition with our team of experts. You can register via this LINK to secure your slot for this UN Data Analytics Professional Certificate Fall Semester open house webinar which will take place on Thursday 15th June from 14:30 to 15:30 CEST.