Taha Hameduddin
Dr. Taha's research lies at the intersection of public management, organizational behavior and theory, and human resource management. Specifically, his research considers employee and managerial attitudes and behavior, and the external environment of public organizations.
Part of this research has been published in the top peer-reviewed public administration journals such as Public Administration Review, International Public Management Journal, American Review of Public Administration, and Public Management Review. His current research project examines the organizational reputations, trust in government, and perceptions of governmental performance.
In addition to his research, Taha teaches courses on Diversity Management, and Policy Analysis, as well as a PhD. seminar on Qualitative Research Methods. His prior teaching experience includes serving as an instructor for undergraduate (Indiana University, 2016-2019) and graduate-level courses (Nazarbayev University School of Public Policy, 2019) on organizational behavior and human resource management. He obtained his PhD. in Public Affairs from the O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University, with majors in Public Management, and Public Policy Analysis, and a doctoral minor in Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management from the Kelley School of Business (also at Indiana University).