Rosemary Mbaluka
Rosemary MBALUKA is currently an independent consultant with expertise in policy, gender mainstreaming and gender responsive budgeting engaging CSOs and devolved governance structures (County Governments – sectors, departments) for gender responsive planning, budgeting that is informed by the gender context and especially how to harness women’s agency to strengthen development outcomes.
Rosemary has served as a gender expert consultant for the Agile and Harmonized Assistance for Devolved Institutions (AHADI) 2018 -2019 as well as served various CSOs in gender transformative practices. She has expertise providing training, mentorship and coaching for diverse groups in devolved levels. Rosemary brings diversity of experience spanning 18 years working in the civil society space in diverse fields, including women’s political participation, sexual and gender based violence & violence against women, advocacy, policy, health, livelihoods and governance.