Paulyn Duman
Paulyn Duman’s work experience spans 16 years across various fields such as public policy, law, media, and education, in international organizations, national and local governments, and the private sector. At the United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC), she leads the design and delivery of innovative learning solutions that support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Paulyn’s programme portfolio at UNSSC is diverse, leading initiatives such as the Africa Sustainable Development Academy and the SDG Micro-Primer. She has also designed and delivered flagship programmes like the UN Summer Academy and specialized online courses on policy coherence and climate change. Key achievements include developing a virtual reality experience for transformative change, launching the SDG Learncast Podcast, and coordinating and managing the UN-wide UN SDG:Learn initiative with 68 partners.
In her roles as Supervising Political Affairs Officer and Legal Officer for the Philippine House of Representatives, Paulyn reviewed legislative franchise applications, provided policy advice, supervised staff, and conducted training on pertinent topics such as automated elections, social housing, and women and children's rights. She collaborated with stakeholders, coordinated regional relief operations, and engaged in international learning exchanges.
She has a master's degree in Public Policy from Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, Germany, and a Juris Doctor degree (MA) and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of the Philippines.