Michael Howlett
Michael Howlett (Professor) BSocSci.(Hon)(Ott), MA(Br Col), PhD (Queen's) is Burnaby Mountain Chair in the Department of Political Science at Simon Fraser University and Professor in the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. He specializes in public policy analysis, political economy, and resource and environmental policy.
Professor Howlett taught at Queen's University (1986-1988) and the University of Victoria (1988-1989) before coming to SFU and was Visiting Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore (2009-2010) and the Universita degli studi di Cagliari (2012). He is the author of Policy Consultancy in Comparative Perspective: (2018) and Canadian Public Policy (2013); Designing Public Policies (2011), and co-author of Application of Federal Legislation to Alberta's Mineable Oil Sands (2013), The Public Policy Primer (2010 and 2016), Integrated Policymaking for Sustainable Development (2009), Studying Public Policy (2009, 2003 & 1995), In Search of Sustainability (2001), The Political Economy of Canada (1999 & 1992) and Canadian Natural Resource and Environmental Policy (1997 & 2005). He has edited Canadian Forest Policy (2001) and co-edited Elgar Handbook of Policy Formulation (2017); Routledge Handbook of Comparative Policy Analysis (2017); Policy Work in Canada (2017); Varieties of Governance (2015); Policy Paradigms in Theory and Practice (2015); Regulating Next Generation Agri-Food Bio-Technologies (2012), (2012), British Columbia Politics and Government (2009), European and North American Policy Change (2009); Canada's Resource Economy in Transition (2008); Policy Analysis in Canada (2007); Deregulation and Its Discontents (2006); Executive Styles in Canada(2005); Designing Government (2005); The Real Worlds of Canadian Politics (2004); The Provincial State In Canada (1992 & 2000); Innovation Systems in a Global Context (1998); Policy Studies in Canada (1996), and The Puzzles of Power (1994 & 1998). His articles have been published in numerous professional journals in Canada, the United States, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Australia and New Zealand.
Dr. Howlett was founding member and Secretary-Treasurer (1995-2006) of the British Columbia Political Studies Association and co-editor of its Proceedings. He was editor of the POLCAN listserver (1995-1997) and currently edits the CAN-POL Maillist (2008-present). He was also English language co-editor of the Canadian Journal of Political Science(2002-2006), co-editor of the World Political Science Review (2003-2014), Associate Editor of the Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, (2011-2013) and administrative editor of the Canadian Political Science Review (2007-2010). He is currently organizer of the Policy Design Lab and editor of the Annual Review of Policy Design and Policy Sciences, and is co-editor of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (Book Review Editor 2001-2006), Policy & Society, the University of Toronto Press Series in Comparative Political Economy and Public Policy, the Policy Press International Library of Policy Analysis, Cambridge Studies in Comparative Public Policy and Cambridge Elements of Public Policy. He served on the Editorial Boards of Canadian Public Administration (1996-2003); Policy Studies Journal (1992-2003), Canadian Journal of Political Science (2006-2010), State and Local Government Review (2007-2010), and Public Administration Review (2011-2015) and currently sits on the Editorial Boards of Journal of Public Policy, BC Studies, Policy Sciences, Canadian Political Science Review, Forest Policy and Economics, International Review of Public Administration, Journal of Asian Public Policy, Revista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, Energy Research & Social Science, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, Public Policy and Governance Series, Palgrave Studies in the Political Economy of Public Policy, Rowman Series on Challenging Governance, and Routledge Studies in Energy Transitions. He is the current chair of Research Committee 30 (Comparative Public Policy) of the International Political Science Association and sits on the organizing committee of the International Conference on Public Policy.
Research Areas
- Biotechnology
- Climate change
- Decentralisation and federalism
- Environmental and Natural Resource Policy
- Policy design and implementation
- Regulatory policy