Marc Jacquand
Marc is as a Senior Advisor to the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation focusing on the Foundation’s leadership initiatives. In early 2020, he co-edited the “The Art of Leadership in the United Nations: Framing What’s Blue”, a publication that strives to stimulate a conversation on how UN leadership could be enhanced to ensure its relevance and strengthen its impact at a time when both the UN and multilateralism are being tested. Marc is also a senior advisor to the UN Development Coordination Office (DCO) on UN reform and strategic planning and a senior Fellow at the Center on International Cooperation. He is an adjunct Professor at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University where he teaches risk management in conflict contexts. Marc’s UN career includes two years with the Executive Office of the Secretary-General António Guterres on strategic planning and UN reform. Starting his career in investment banking, he worked in the field of micro finance for FINCA International before joining the Microfinance Unit of the United Nations Capital Development Fund. He went on to work on conflict and post crisis responses both at Headquarters, for the Development Cooperation Office, and for the UN presence in the occupied Palestinian territory, Libya, Yemen and Somalia, as well as through several shorter assignments in a range of conflict contexts, including Haiti, Burundi, and Lebanon. Marc graduated from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University and the HEC School of Management in France.