Alexis Figeac
Alexis has been a pioneer in the area of sustainability and finance. One of the first to recognise the potential of eco-innovation/cleantech as a field for start-ups over 10 years ago, he is firmly rooted in that landscape.
Many years of consulting and venture capital investing, have given him an insight into innovation, business management and envisioning the future. He is responsible at CSCP for the EU H2020 project INNEON as well as a number of commercial projects developing sustainability practices in corporations, such as CSR and Sustainability Portfolios.
His taste for pioneering was developed early in his career by working at the Treuhandanstalt shortly after reunification and then in corporate restructuring in a Big 4 accountancy firm, before moving onto investing.
As a background to his 25 years of business experience, Alexis holds university qualifications in each of Computer Science, Economics, Business Administration and Sustainability Management, from 3 different countries. He also has some papers on sustainability and finance to his name.
Heading up the Sustainable Business and Entrepreneurship practice at CSCP, Alexis is a dual British-French national.